Connecticut Landmarks' History Camps

Nathan Hale Homestead 

Colonial Camp Experience – ages 8-12
Monday through Friday, July 26th to 30th, 10 am – 3 pm

Travel back to the 18th century at Connecticut Landmarks’ Nathan Hale Homestead for a week of summer fun! Experience a week living as the ten Hale children did over two hundred years ago in the beautiful setting of our State Hero’s birthplace.

Participate in a spy mission and learn how codes and cyphers work. Try your hand at candle dipping and tin punching. Learn to spin wool, embroider, and write with quill pens. Learn about the tasks and chores associated with farming, and the crops and animals that were raised on the homestead. Make ice cream for a cool summer treat! Play with games of the past, such as marbles, hoops and graces, 9 Man Morris, and Put & Take. Spend a day in a one room school house where quill pens and slates are the writing implements, create a shadow portrait, and take a scenic hike through the Nathan Hale State Forest. We’ll end the week with an exhibit of arts and crafts created by the campers!

Participants should bring a hearty lunch and snack each day. In order to protect the health of our staff, visitors, and community, all campers must wear masks and adhere to social distancing guidelines.

For more information and to register, contact

$275 per child; $250 for CTL Members. Sibling discount and limited scholarships available.

Registration required by July 9.

Phelps-Hatheway House & Garden 

Summer History Lab – ages 8-13
Monday through Friday, July 12th to 16th, 9:30 am – 12 pm

Exciting discoveries await those who venture into secret spaces! Explore the house and grounds of the Phelps-Hatheway House & Garden this summer with our Summer History Lab, and utilize the property as a historical research platform! Campers will participate in a variety of activities, including: collecting herbs, creating silhouette portraits, making flower paper, and learning how wooden spoons are made. Our final day will be devoted to all things chocolate! We’ll trace the history of cocoa and discuss how it became the favorite snack of many since the 17th century.

Participants should bring a snack and water bottle each day. In order to protect the health of our staff, visitors, and community, all campers must wear masks and adhere to social distancing guidelines.

Registration is required as space is limited. For more information and to register, contact

$215 per camper; $165 for CTL Members. A sibling discount is available.

 Registration required by June 18.